
February 15, 2017

Thrifty Find: You Said What?

I haven't posted a thrifty find in a while. This one comes courtesy of my daughter's school. On Mondays and Thursdays they have a book cart where kids can purchase books for $0.25 a piece or they can trade in a book from home for a "new" book. It's a great program to raise awareness of reading and provide the school with some extra funds most likely geared at reading as well. 

Besides books for children, they have a section of books adults can purchase for $0.50 a piece. I found a book recently that caught my eye. 

This is designed as a way to record those memorable, crazy things kids say! Inside, there are spaces to place a photo of your child and plenty of pages to track quotes for quite a long time, at least to me. 

Above is a sample of a page. The pages come in different colors and different designs but each contains a spot to record who, when, age, and where of each entry along with enough space to add the quote. There is roughly 144 pages. I already have an entry ready to go! 

When I researched this on Amazon it retailed for between $13-$14 so definitely a great thrifty find! What I like about it is if you don't fill it up when your child is young you could easily pass it on to them to fill in about their kids when they are older. 

Of course, finding this makes me wonder what one of your favorite quotes of your child is? Share below! 

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