
February 28, 2017

Pay It Forward Gifts I Received

Recently I received a wonderful gifts from a fellow loomer. She has watched my videos for quite some time now and has even inspired a few. We both believe in the idea of "pay it forward". For her, it was paying it forward to me for the videos I make available to fellow loomers.  I don't always get to purchase new items for my crafts so it warmed my heart that she thought of me. I was quite surprised at what I received!

February 15, 2017

Thrifty Find: You Said What?

I haven't posted a thrifty find in a while. This one comes courtesy of my daughter's school. On Mondays and Thursdays they have a book cart where kids can purchase books for $0.25 a piece or they can trade in a book from home for a "new" book. It's a great program to raise awareness of reading and provide the school with some extra funds most likely geared at reading as well. 

Besides books for children, they have a section of books adults can purchase for $0.50 a piece. I found a book recently that caught my eye.